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Faculty Recruitment in the Department of Chemistry, Shantou University
2015年8月10日    中国博士招聘网
Shantou University (STU), founded in 1981 with the approval of the State Council, is a key comprehensive university under the "211 Project" in the Guangdong province. It is a university co-developed by the Ministry of Education, Government of the Guangdong Province, and the Li Ka Shing Foundation. It is also the only public university in the world which is continuously supported by a private foundation—the Li Ka Shing Foundation. It is located in the northwestern area of Shantou, a seaside city, with its campus covering a total area of 1.28 km2 and a total floor space comprising 448,400 m2.
Applications and nominations are invited for the above posts:
The Department of Chemistry is currently seeking outstanding candidates for the posts of Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor/ Lecturer to strengthen the current research areas. The duties for these posts include teaching at undergraduate levels (2 to 4 courses), supervising research students at master and doctoral levels, conducting high-level research, developing new research directions and courses when necessary, and contributing creatively and professionally in the Department, and for the benefit of the community and industry. The appointee will also be assigned to take up administrative duties to facilitate the development of the activities of the Department/ College.
Candidate should have:
(i) a Ph.D degree obtained from oversea, Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan; or have a Ph.D degree obtained from a famous University in China and have preferably at least two-year postgraduate working experience in University or Institution from oversea, Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan;
(ii) a good teaching capability in Chinese and/or preferably in English;
(iii) a good publication record (at least two articles in high-impact journals as the first or corresponding author);
(iv) strong professionalism, development potential and teamwork, and dedication;
Salary and Conditions of Service
Remuneration package will be very attractive, driven by market competitiveness and individual performance. For details, please refer to http://job.stu.edu.cn/engage_job/positionDetail.aspx?jobID=407.
How to Apply
To apply, please send an e-mail specifying the position applied for to recruitment@stu.edu.cn with a current curriculum vitae including educational background, working experiences, lists of publications, grants awarded and prizes received, etc.
Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted; and those shortlisted will be requested to submit the following documents:
(i) Full application form for the Academic Position at Shantou University;
(ii) At least two representative publications (electronic version) and their corresponding citation records;
(iii) Copies for all of the degree certificates and identity card; and
(iv) Other essential documents for these posts.
Further information on the posts is available from Mrs. Li, The Human Resources Office, Shantou University, No.243 Daxue Road, Shantou, Guangdong, P.R.China 515063 [E-mail : recruitment@stu.edu.cn/ ; Phone : 86-754-86502365; 86-754-86502364]. Please also visit: www.stu.edu.cn for more details.
        联系人:Li Chang
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