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2011年12月1日    博士招聘网

Employer: Ewha Womans University 
Website: http://home.ewha.ac.kr/~biore... 
Location: Seoul, Korea, Seoul, Korea, South 
Type: Postdoctoral 
Posted: November 29, 2011 
Expires: December 31, 2011 
job description 
Two postdoctoral positions are available in the areas of aging and redox biology. The positions are at Ewha Woman’s University in Seoul, South Korea, as part of the World Class University (WCU) program and in close association with a group at Harvard Medical School. One position will involve bioinformatics and functional genomics to understand mechanisms, pathways and regulation of aging and lifespan (Kim et al. Genome sequencing reveals insights into physiology and longevity of the naked mole rat. Nature 479, 223-227, 2011). The second position will involve molecular approaches and the use of mouse models to address critical issues in redox biology and its link to disease. Highly motivated individuals are encouraged to apply by sending CV and contact information for references to Professor Vadim Gladyshev at vgladyshev@rics.bwh.harvard.edu

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